How to Easy Earn Money Online in Pakistan
How to Easy Earn Money Online in Pakistan

How to Easy Earn Money Online in Pakistan 2024 For Students

There are many ways to Earn Money online in Pakistan but some take much time and effort. But today I want to show you the Top 5 ways how to easily earn money online in Pakistan without investment. The methods that I’ll show you today are for everyone these methods do not require any special skills or much effort.

Earn money online is good for side income as well as the primary income source. Everyone needs to earn money online as it pays you well without leaving your home or your comfort level. With Online Work you can showcase your skills and talent to different people around the world.

So today I’m showing you the best ways to easy earn money online in Pakistan. So without Wasting any time let’s take a look at Online Earning in Pakistan without investment.

Easy Earn Money Online in Pakistan

1. Freelancing:

Freelancing is the best and most reliable way to earn money online. But people say we can not find orders and tasks with the freelancing platforms but today I want to tell you the best method on how you can get the order in 15-20 days only.

How to easy Earn Money with Freelancing
How to easy Earn Money with Freelancing

You can create profiles in different freelancing platforms and create a gig or proposal for some odd work gigs where the competition is very low or zero. For Example, you can create a gig on website development but you cannot get the orders instead create a gig for the website category you like to create e.g. create a Gig for NFT’s Website development gig with that the competition is way less than an ordinary gig.

I recommend you create SEO Friendly gigs for odd categories in Different platforms and you will see a clear difference if you work with effort you can get your first order in 15 to 20 Days.

How to create a SEO Friendly Gig:

To Create a SEO Friendly gig you first research the keywords your gig is for use Chatgpt for the Help only not for copy-pasting. Optimize the URL with the Keyword you research. Create an image on Canva or Photoshop whatever you like and the photo must be eye-catching and Colorful to attract more users. Write SEO Friendly Tags with relevant keywords and user intent on search. With that method, your gig is optimized and you can see your gig on the first page of Freelancing platforms and get the first order in 15- 20 Days guaranteed.

2. Facebook Ads:

You can Easy Earn Money online with Facebook Ads. You can simply learn how to run Facebook ads to reach more customers and provide the customers with your service or do dropshipping and run Facebook ads for your products and you can earn a lot of money with that. I already created an article on how to create a Dropshipping store and earn money easily with that. You can also promote your product and service using Facebook ads.

How to easy Earn Money with Facebook
How to easy Earn Money with Facebook

How to Run Facebook Ads in 2024:

Running Facebook ads is a process that includes creating an ads manager & Business manager account, setting up a campaign, choosing an objective, selecting an audience, setting a budget, and publishing your ad. Here is the step-by-step way how to run Facebook ads:

  • Create an account with Facebook Ads Manager & Business Manager Account. This is where you can manage all your ad campaigns, track ad performance, and optimize them. You can sign up with your existing Facebook account or create a new one.
  • Start creating an ad through Facebook Ads Manager. Click on the green Create button and choose a campaign name and objective. The objective is what you want people to do when they see your ad e.g. you want people to buy your product, increase the awareness of your page, product or service, website clicks, Leads ETC.
  • Choose your audience. This is where you can define who you want to see your ad based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. You can use the Audience Network tool to find and save your ideal audience, create a Custom Audience from your existing customers or website visitors, or do your competitor’s research also you can do manual research to find an audience.
  • Set your budget and schedule. This is where you can decide how much you want to spend on your ad and how long you want it to run. You can choose a daily budget or a lifetime budget, and set a start and end date for your campaign. You can also use the Bid Strategy option to optimize your ad delivery and cost. As a beginner I want you to go with the daily budget as it is the easy way to understand how your ads work.
  • Create an Attractive Ads Post:  This is where you can choose how you want your ad to look and feel. You can choose from three different formats, such as Photo, Video, or Carousel. Each format has its own advantages and requirements, so make sure to check the specifications before creating your ad. I recommend you create an attractive video of 30-40 Seconds and a point video to get more engagement. Also, add a Call to action button to your Post and add an attractive Title and description.
  • Publish your ad. This is where you can review your ad and make sure everything is correct. Once you are satisfied, click on the Confirm button to submit your ad for review. Facebook will check your ad for compliance with its policies and guidelines, and notify you when it is approved and ready to run.

Congratulations, you have just created your first Facebook ad! You can monitor your ad’s performance metrics, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and more, in the Ads Manager dashboard. You can also use the Insights tool to get detailed reports and analysis on your ad campaign. You can also make changes to your ad, such as editing the creative, audience, budget, or schedule, at any time.

3. Blogging:

Blogging is the most popular and best way to easy earn money online. There are many ways to earn money with your blog, such as:

How to easy Earn Money with Blogging
How to easy Earn Money with Blogging
  • Advertising: You can display ads on your blog and get paid when someone clicks on them or views them. You can use platforms like Google AdSense or Adsterra to monetize your blog and you get good money when someone reads your blog or article.
  • Merchandise: You can sell physical or digital products related to your blog niche, such as books, courses, t-shirts, mugs, etc. You can use platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce to create and manage your online store and inventory. You can sell other people’s products from your website with your profit and earn money with this. You can earn handsome money with this method.
  • Affiliate marketing: You can promote products or services from other companies or brands and earn a commission when someone buys through your referral link. You can use platforms like Amazon or Hosting Companies to find and join affiliate programs and track your earnings. You can sell hosting and other products from your website and you can earn commission on that. In this way, you can earn a lot of money.
  • Sponsored content: You can write blog posts or reviews about products or services from other companies or brands and get paid for your endorsement. For this method, you need a good audience.
  • Guest Posting: Increase Your blog website and other people will reach out to you to post about their company to your website and add the customer link to your website and you will charge an amount for that this is called the guest posting method. You can charge as much as you can with this method but first, you need a good audience and reputation of your blog.

These are just some of the ways to make money with blogging. To succeed, you need to choose a profitable niche, create high-quality content, grow your traffic, and build trust with your audience. You also need to experiment with different monetization strategies and find what works best for your blog. I hope this helps you get started on your blogging journey. You can also run Facebook ads to increase the audience of your blog.

4. Social Media Manager:

Everyone is using social media nowadays everyone knows how to use social media. You can earn money online to become a social media manager. You can find clients through freelancing platforms or by creating a post on Facebook to sell your service to a social media manager.

How to easy Earn Money with Social Media Manager
How to easy Earn Money with Social Media Manager

A social media manager only posts images or videos to clients’ social media manages the client’s social media page and gets paid for it. you can earn as much as you can by providing social media post services. You can also run Facebook ads and get extra money for social media managers.

So these are the 4 ways to easily earn money online in Pakistan in 2024. So let me know your thoughts in the comment section below on How to easily earn money online in Pakistan in 2024. Also, let me know what next you are looking for.

peace 🙂

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