How to Make Money Online with WordPress in 2024
How to Make Money Online with WordPress in 2024

How to Make Money Online with WordPress in 2024

WordPress is one of the most popular and versatile platforms for creating websites and blogs. It powers over 40% of the web and offers a range of features and plugins to customize your site. But did you know that you can also use WordPress to make money online? In this article, we will explore some of the ways you can monetize your WordPress site in 2024.

Top 5 Ways to Make Money Online with WordPress

1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a method of earning commissions by promoting other people’s products or services on your site. You can sign up for affiliate programs that are relevant to your niche and audience, and then insert links or banners on your site that direct your visitors to the merchant’s site. When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you get a percentage of the sale. Some of the popular affiliate networks you can join are Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and ClickBank.

2. Advertising

Advertising is another common way of making money online with WordPress. You can display ads on your site and get paid every time someone views or clicks on them. There are different types of ads you can choose from, such as banner ads, text ads, video ads, or native ads. You can also use different ad networks to manage your ads, such as Google Adsense,, or Ezoic. However, you should be careful not to overload your site with too many ads, as this can affect your site’s speed and user experience.

3. Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are articles that you write for a brand or company that pays you to promote their product or service on your site. You can either write the post yourself or have the sponsor provide you with the content. You should always disclose that the post is sponsored and follow the ethical and legal guidelines for your country. You can find sponsors by reaching out to them directly or by using platforms like PayPerPost, IZEA, or TapInfluence.

4. Online Courses

Online courses are a great way to share your knowledge and skills with your audience and earn money at the same time. You can create and sell your own courses on your WordPress site using plugins like LearnDash, LifterLMS, or WP Courseware. You can also host your courses on platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, or Teachable and link them to your site. You can charge a one-time fee or a recurring subscription for your courses, depending on your preference and strategy.

5. E-commerce

E-commerce is the process of selling physical or digital products online. You can use WordPress to create your own online store and sell anything from books, clothing, and jewelry, to software, ebooks, or music. You can use plugins like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, or Shopify to set up your store and manage your inventory, orders, payments, and shipping. You can also use dropshipping services like AliExpress, Spocket, or Printful to source and deliver your products without having to handle them yourself.


These are just some of the ways you can make money online with WordPress in 2024. Of course, there are many more options and opportunities you can explore, depending on your niche, audience, and goals. The key is to provide value to your visitors and build trust and loyalty with them. And don’t forget to have fun along the way! After all, making money online with WordPress is not only profitable but also enjoyable and rewarding.

So let me know Your thoughts on How to make money with WordPress in 2024 in the comment section below and Subscribe to WP Asset Hub to know about more ways to earn money online in Pakistan in 2024.

Peace 🙂

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